The Power of Brand Identity

Your brand is more than just a logo and tagline. It’s your reputation, your voice and your promise to customers. A strong brand identity can help you:

  • Build customer preference and loyalty
  • Stand out from the competition
  • Command premium prices
  • Attract and retain top talent

Evolution or Revolution? Choosing the Right Rebranding Approach

Not all rebrands are created equal. Some companies may only need a light refresh of their visual identity, while others may need a complete overhaul. The best approach for your company will depend on several factors, such as:

  • Your current brand perception: How is your brand seen by consumers? Are you outdated, premium, innovative, or something else? Understanding your existing image reveals the starting point for any reinvention.
  • Your competitive landscape: Are you battling for market share in a crowded space? Is your competition known for bold branding moves or conservative approaches? Analyzing your rivals’ brand strategies helps determine how to stand out.
  • Your target audience: Who are you trying to reach? Are they millennials seeking fresh experiences, or established professionals valuing tradition? Defining your ideal customers guides tailoring your brand approach to resonate with them.
  • Your business goals: How does your potential rebrand fuel growth, financial performance, and efficiency; ultimately positioning your company for long-term success in a dynamic market? Your goal should be to propel your company forward.

See part one in our series: Mergers & Acquisitions (Part 1): 5 Strategic Approaches to Branding to get a better understanding of which route is best for your business.

Your brand is important to how you’re company is perceived, but how it's managed – relative to your entire customer experience – is critically important.

6 Key Questions to Help Define Your Brand

Before you start rebranding, it’s important to take a step back and ask yourself some key questions:

  1. Offer and Positioning: What makes your company unique? What space can your brand authentically own?
  2. Marketplace Environment: Has your market changed? Do you need to stand out or accelerate growth?
  3. Competitor Landscape: Are you losing market share? Do you need to raise your standards?
  4. Customers and Experience: Is your brand perceived as outdated? What defines your customers of the future?
  5. Products and Services: Has your product offer evolved? Have you outgrown your initial mission?
  6. Culture and History: Does your brand no longer reflect who you are? Do you need to simplify your message?

Many management executives are too busy to properly manage a rebrand without expert help, with considerable day-to-day responsibilities leaving little space in their diaries. The financial cost implications of the rebrand will be their priority, so establish detailed cost parameters with their input.

Five Key Steps in Developing a Creative Brief

Once you have a clear understanding of your brand, you can start developing your creative brief. This document will provide your branding agency with all the information they need to create a new brand identity for your company. The five key steps in developing your creative brief are:

  1. Research and Discovery: Gather information about your company, your history, and your target audience.
  2. Clarify and Articulation: Define your brand personality, voice, and values.
  3. Position and Differentiation: What makes your brand unique?
  4. Creative Expression: Decide on what will make up your brand identity, including your logo, typography, colour palette, tone of voice, etc.
  5. Application and Extension: Create guidelines for how your brand will be used across all touchpoints, ensuring you achieve consistency and allow for agile brand governance going forward

Identifying Your Branded Assets

When you’re working with a branding agency, it’s important to provide them with a list of all your branded assets. This includes things like your logo, website, marketing materials, packaging, and uniforms.

With physical site surveys, online self-surveys and desktop research, these assets can be easily provided to your brand agency from the very start. It gives them a clear picture of the nature and extent of your brand touchpoints so that they can be more specific with what to quote for and subsequently create. This can save a lot of embarrassment and prevent having to request extra budget later on in the process.

Identifying every aspect of your current brand identity can be the most complex task of a rebrand. Due to the sheer volume and geographic reach of branded assets, many companies wisely choose a phased rollout. This allows for ongoing progress monitoring and fine-tuning. Fortunately, experienced brand implementation partners excel at orchestrating rebranding initiatives. Equipped with expertise in strategic planning, financial management, vendor relations, and reporting tools, they ensure timely, budget-conscious delivery of consistent, high-quality branded assets throughout the process.

Implementing Your New Brand

Once your new brand identity is created, it’s time to start implementing it. This can be a complex process, so it’s important to employ a brand implementation partner. A good brand implementation partner can help you:

  • Develop a brand roll-out plan
  • Train your employees on the new brand
  • Track and measure your brand results
  • Ensure your rebrand is being communicated consistently across all touchpoints

Your brand implementation partner should work with your designers and internal resources to remove the stress of detailed operational project management and ensure that all your brand touchpoint assets transition as planned. Both physical and digital elements need consideration – building signage, wayfinding, workplace environments, fleet, workwear, administration templates, marketing collateral and online resources all need appropriate solutions to help decentralised company resources manage the governance process with clear direction and autonomy.

Seamless connections between all stages are essential. From brand strategy to brand engineering and brand implementation, each phase requires specific talent, expertise and experience in strategic, analytical, and tactical skills.

'Seamless connections between all stages are essential. From brand strategy to brand engineering and brand implementation, each phase requires specific talent, expertise and experience in strategic, analytical, and tactical skills.'

Top 5 Takeaways for a Successful Post-M&A Rebrand

  1. Do your research: Make sure you understand why you need to rebrand and what you hope to achieve
  2. Get buy-in from your team: Everyone in your company should be on board with the new brand.
  3. Think long-term: Your new brand should be able to grow with your company.
  4. Keep it simple: The simplest ideas are often the best.
  5. Plan for implementation: Rebranding is not just about creating a new brand. It’s about implementing it across all touchpoints.

A successful rebrand can be a powerful tool for growth. By following these tips, you can ensure that your company emerges from the post-pandemic world stronger than ever.

Find out more

Our team of rebrand specialists is on hand to help with your post-M&A rebrand, from strategy through to implementation. Contact us for an initial no-obligation chat.

The Six Most Common Challenges Faced by All Fleet Managers

Over my career, I’ve been fortunate to be a part of many large fleet branding projects. Most of these projects involved the following elements:

  1. Hundreds to thousands of existing vehicles spread over a large geographic area
  2. The vehicles were currently branded/wrapped
  3. Vehicles were in use by day
  4. Vehicles were critical to operation—could not be out of service
  5. Aggressive timeline
  6. Budget constraints/limitations

Certainly, many other factors can come into play. Most of the large jobs I’ve experienced contained these six characteristics.

Whenever my team assesses a potential project, the first question we typically ask is the following: What is the deadline? Of course, that question is followed by a litany of others. The deadline dictates the timeline, and the timeline dictates the tasks.

Two of the biggest pitfalls are rarely discussed as openly as they should be:

  1. Age/type of graphics being removed
  2. Installation facilities

If the existing branding is old, or substandard, removal can easily be more time-consuming than subsequent installation. Ask any certified installer about removing old, inexpensive graphics. It can be next to impossible and can blow out a schedule ad infinitum.

'Whenever my team assesses a potential project, the first question we typically ask is the following: What is the deadline?'

Installation Facilities – What Questions Do I Need To Ask?

When examining installation facilities, many standard questions apply:

  • Is the space large enough?
  • Is it heated?
  • Air-conditioned?
  • Is there electricity?
  • Proper lighting?
  • Water? Is the environment dusty/dirty?
  • Bathrooms? Are there environmental restrictions?
  • Are special badges required?

You get the picture. The greatest of these concerns usually revolves around climate control. Most graphics cannot be installed above or below a certain temperature. Too cold and the adhesive won’t adhere. Too hot, and the vinyl stretches and becomes gummy.

Fleet Budget Management

The budget can be addressed through a variety of approaches.  Limiting the number of suppliers allows for economies of scale.  Specifying the proper materials, and optimizing the yield, is key.  Utilizing existing assets, such as garages or covered spaces, saves on-site or equipment rental.  Nearly every facet of the project can ultimately impact the budget.



While I’ve touched on some major issues, perhaps the most critical factor revolves around the age-old activity virtually every organization strives to improve: communication. Let’s assume for a moment you’re the Director of Brand for an organization with 4,200 trucks and vans spread about Louisiana, Texas and New Mexico. Your brand agency has worked with you and your team to perfect a suite of new designs that will be rolled out to your existing fleet.

You’ve made the wise choice to work with GLIMMA on your comprehensive project. GLIMMA has worked with you on specifications and has chosen the vendors. You, your team, GLIMMA, and the vendors have had numerous planning calls as the kickoff day draws closer. Everyone is ready. All of the planning, the creative juices, and the late nights will soon yield gorgeous new branding across your fleet.

However, when the fieldwork begins, so do the problems. Garage managers rebel, citing various maintenance conflicts. Drivers don’t deliver their vehicles on time and, when they do, they’ve not gotten their vehicles washed. The vendor’s installers complain that the garages are too cold, or don’t have enough lighting. The problems can go on and on.

Much of this can be prevented by strong communication, throughout your organization. Include the drivers of the vehicles. Include the garage managers. Include maintenance. No, they don’t have to be on every team call, but by including them, giving them a voice, and listening to their suggestions, they will help you during the project’s most crucial phase: execution.

Long-Term Fleet Brand Management

Finally, when the job is done, maintaining the graphics properly is the key to extending the life of the fleet’s branding.  There are simple steps that can be performed to optimize the life and vibrancy of fleet graphics.

Digital is transforming the way we work in fleet brand management. We often work with our clients on one-off fleet livery rebrands, but this soon turns into a longer-term partnership, as we equip them with the tools they need to keep a full grasp on the status and maintenance requirements of their fleet.

'We often work with our clients on one-off fleet livery rebrands, but this soon turns into a longer-term partnership, as we equip them with the tools they need to keep a full grasp on the status and maintenance requirements of their fleet.'

I’ve barely scratched the surface of the many facets of a fleet branding project. That noted, few things get me more excited than working with a client on a far-reaching, audacious project that others wouldn’t dare attempt.

There’s nothing quite so exhilarating than to stand before a team of capable people, look them in the eye and say, “We pulled this off!”

If you are considering a Fleet rebrand or refresh, or are looking for a longer-term Fleet branding management solution, then I’d be delighted to help with free advice to get you started.

Our team has global experience, working with clients such as FedEx, Verizon, AT&T, Heineken, C&A, DPD, Alitalia and Gate Gourmet, to name a few. Check out our Fleet Branding page to find out more.