1. Brand Audits and Surveys

How do you identify and quantify all your brand touchpoints?

A full audit of your assets will provide a bird’s-eye view of your brand landscape.   This provides insights that will help us to plan the best strategic approach to your rollout and to estimate the resources required.

Using a variety of desktop or onsite surveys, we pinpoint exactly the type, location and condition of every branded asset.

This data is carefully captured into a Brand Asset Management system and analysed to provide the planning blueprint for your rollout.

Our detailed reports provide the foundation for your brand implementation.  They also leave you with a legacy asset management system that can be easily maintained and kept for future use.

'One size does not fit all. We provide as much or as little support as you need, fully tailoring our brand implementation services to meet your specific requirements.'

2. Project Management

Expert programme management ensures your brand is safe in our hands

We act as the single point of contact for your brand implementation programme, coordinating with your internal team to manage suppliers, site planning approvals, brand applications and installations.

For complex branding programmes, our experienced Programme Managers draw upon a variety of project management methodologies such as Agile and Prince2 to ensure a seamless delivery.

Our central Project Management Office (PMO) becomes your engine room – a team of professionals who are driven by detail, devoted to quality control and dedicated to transparent and real-time reporting.

3. Manufacture & Installation

How do you implement your brand consistently across the world?

Our global network provides the physical backbone to your rebrand – a scaleable quality-approved network of branding specialists.

Designers, strategists, graphic and digital solutions, uniforms, lighting, furniture, signage (the list is exhaustive!).

We continuously develop the network, to ensure we keep up with the changing demands of your brand.

Our Partners conform to environmental health and safety standards and work to the highest global standards but with room for localisation.

With on-the-ground teams, we beautifully blend global expertise with local knowledge to ensure the smoothest implementation, ready for your brand launch.

Our PMO centrally manages your rollout, offering economies of scale and a bird’s-eye view which enables value engineering.

We aim to implement your brand as quickly and efficiently as possible, with full site handover and close-out, so you can concentrate on running your business.

4. Run & Maintain

A global rebrand offers the opportunity to refresh – but how do you keep it fresh?

A rebrand or refresh provides the ideal opportunity to set up an ecosystem for the ongoing management of your brand.

Our systematic approach includes:

  • Brand Asset Management system for physical assets
  • Vendor Management system for supplier quality and management
  • Brand Portal system for brand governance and visual identity management

The data we capture is carefully stored and analysed, becoming the driving force for your brand ecosystem.

Automation plays a vital role in auto-generating updates – renewal reminders, maintenance programme schedules, supplier orders. Our detailed reporting ensures that your team can efficiently manage your brand as you move forward.

With a greater dependence on digital solutions, updates are much easier. Where big-ticket physical items are still needed, for example, signage or wayfinding, we select modular product solutions that are easy to update, rather than replace.  Helping to save the planet and costs.

Prioritising Brand Visibility

Forget the digital echo chamber – in the real world, physical brand visibility is as important as ever. From towering skyscrapers to everyday fleet vehicles, every branded touchpoint is an opportunity to connect with consumers and solidify your presence. Unfortunately, many brands overlook these valuable assets, leaving untapped potential on the table.

But fear not. At GLIMMA, we specialise in revitalising neglected brand assets and orchestrating comprehensive global brand implementation programmes that unlock the full potential of your physical brand footprint. With over 15 years of experience and a network of 400+ international branding experts across 200+ countries, we’re your trusted partner in building a globally consistent and impactful brand presence.

Your Path to Brand Visibility Domination

Our process begins with a meticulous global brand implementation programme audit. We delve into your existing brand landscape, pinpointing every touchpoint – no matter how big or small. Using a blend of digital, desktop, and on-site surveys, we gather precise data on the type, location, and condition of each branded asset.

This wealth of data feeds into our cutting-edge technology solutions. Our detailed reports not only guide your programme but also leave you with a valuable legacy – a user-friendly database that simplifies future brand management and mobilisation.

Brand Magic Across Every Environment

No physical brand asset is beyond our expertise. From full-scale global airline projects to bustling retail space refits, we’ve designed and delivered cohesive solutions that optimise consumer experience and amplify brand visibility.

Here’s a glimpse into our diverse portfolio

  • Fleet Branding & Management: We go beyond mere vehicle wraps, partnering with clients like DPD and Heineken to develop long-term brand management solutions that harness technology and optimise fleet operations across land, sea, and air.
  • Retail & Workplace Design: Our team boasts seasoned veterans from myriad industries, allowing us to craft immersive brand experiences for flagship stores, supermarkets, restaurants, and hotels.
  • Global Workplaces: We design workplaces that resonate with local cultures, collaborating with regional artists to create hyper-localised spaces that inspire employees and reflect your brand’s global identity.

Your Single Point of Global Command

GLIMMA is your go-to consultancy for global brand implementation programmes. We act as the central hub, coordinating with internal teams, and managing audits, suppliers, site approvals, brand applications, and installations. Our global network of local experts ensures seamless execution, navigating legal frameworks, local legislation, resources, and environmental considerations.

For large-scale projects, we go the extra mile. We prototype, create detailed specifications, and manage tender processes to secure optimal quality, compliance, and consistency while diligently controlling expenditures on your behalf.

'GLIMMA is your go-to consultancy for global brand implementation programmes. We act as the central hub, coordinating with internal teams, and managing audits, suppliers, site approvals, brand applications, and installations.'

Beyond Implementation: Maintaining Brand Standards

Our commitment extends beyond mere execution. We ensure your branded assets stay pristine and impactful with our unique approach to brand asset management. Our system automates updates and reminders, streamlining maintenance schedules and programme execution. Detailed reporting equips our team with the insights needed to efficiently manage your brand, ensuring long-term consistency and effectiveness.

Ready to Step onto the Global Stage?

A compelling global brand implementation programme is your passport to unlocking international success. Don’t let valuable brand assets go unnoticed – contact GLIMMA today and let us orchestrate a programme that propels your brand to new heights across every corner of the globe.

1. Defining Goals and KPIs

Effective implementation begins with a crystal-clear understanding of your desired outcomes. As McKinsey & Company’s “The Value of Value Creation” emphasizes, clearly defined goals serve as the driving force for maximizing business value. Whether it’s achieving market leadership, igniting customer loyalty, or driving sustainable growth, pinpoint your “why” with unwavering clarity. This foundational element sets the stage for establishing your key performance indicators (KPIs) – the quantifiable metrics that track your progress and ensure every implementation decision propels you towards your strategic north star.

2. Take Inventory: Mapping Your Brand Landscape

Before embarking on any transformative journey, we need a clear picture of where we stand. Enter the brand audit, your key to unlocking the secrets of your brand identity. Think brochures, billboards, websites, social media – every tangible and intangible piece that shapes your voice. As Harvard Business Review’s “How to Build a Global Brand” (2007) reminds us, meticulously categorizing and quantifying these assets is the foundation for success. This deep dive equips you with more than just budgetary and timeline clarity; it crafts a detailed roadmap for resource allocation and flawless brand implementation.

'Before embarking on any transformative journey, we need a clear picture of where we stand. Enter the brand audit, your key to unlocking the secrets of your brand identity.''

03: Cultivating Brand Champions: Building Comprehensive Implementation Engagement

A thriving brand isn’t built solely on marketing budgets and design guidelines but on the hearts and minds of its employees. Yet, achieving successful brand implementation steps requires more than just employee participation; it demands a transformation from passive compliance to passionate advocacy.

The insight report ‘How to Turn Your Employees into Brand Champions’ by Morhart and Herzog’s (2010) offers invaluable guidance on their new leadership approach:

  • Inspire a Shared Dream: Ditch transactionalism and “articulate a compelling brand vision” that ignites purpose and unites employees as champions, not followers.
  • Live the Brand Narrative: Be the walking embodiment of your brand values. “Acting as a role model” fosters trust and inspires employees to embrace the brand story.
  • Empower Brand Ownership: “Making employees rethink their jobs from the perspective of a brand community member” creates a culture of ownership, where initiative and interpretation are celebrated.
  • Nurture, Don’t Control: Equip employees with the knowledge and skills to excel. “Teaching and coaching them to grow into their roles as brand representatives” builds confidence and unlocks intrinsic motivation.

You cultivate a chorus of enthusiastic champions by implementing these successful brand implementation steps. Each voice adds vibrant harmony to the brand’s symphony, propelling your transformation from the inside out.

This revision not only seamlessly integrates your key phrase but also reinforces the connection between transformational leadership and successful brand implementation. Remember, the secret to brand triumph lies in inspiring, empowering, and unleashing the passion of your people. So, embrace the transformational path, ignite the spark of advocacy, and let your brand shine through the voices of its most dedicated champions!

04: Centralise Command: The Power of the PMO

Establish a dedicated PMO (project management office), the linchpin of your implementation. Gartner’s “Your Detailed Guide to the 2024 Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends” emphasises the crucial role of technology-driven platforms in streamlining brand management. Consider implementing user-friendly dashboards and automated workflows to ensure centralised oversight, consistent brand application, and seamless execution. Don’t forget sustainability! Opt for eco-conscious materials, prioritise refurbishment over replacement, and explore localised manufacturing solutions. Your brand can be a market leader and an environmental champion, not a wasteful monolith.

05: Celebrate and Measure: Quantifying Success and Paving the Future

A rebrand or brand refresh often signals a fresh start so don’t be afraid to use the opportunity, with both employees and customers, to firmly put your brand on the map and in their hearts.

No brand implementation is without its challenges, but you can consider it a success if:

  1. Everyone understands why you’ve rebranded and what the new brand means to them
  2. Physical and digital brand touchpoints are successfully transformed
  3. You have a detailed view of your new brand landscape and can build upon this for further brand developments, or even the next rebrand!

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to brand implementation but if you are facing a rebrand or brand refresh program, I hope this proves to be a good start.

'We create brand experiences that are rich in quality, impact and emotion.'

We work collaboratively with the Brand Experience, Marketing, Corporate Real Estate, Facilities, and Airport Customer Service teams at Delta to design, produce, and install visual brand assets in all 275 airport destinations around the world delivering a comprehensive Airport Terminal Curb to Curb suite of visual brand solutions.

'We work collaboratively to design, produce and install visual brand assets in all 275 airport destinations around the world.'

We manage an extensive range of brand assets for Delta globally and frequently complete on-site surveys, track completed projects and gather specific brand data to feed it into our brand asset database to help track Delta’s branding and in-market messaging for their teams.

Our design team interpret Delta brand guidelines to create consistently effective visual signage, wayfinding, and marketing communication assets across the entire customer travel journey and we are constantly innovating with the Delta teams adding new services to the solution portfolio, including vendor network management, technology services, fleet services and product specification, 

'We know how to land a brand globally.'